The boys of Summer

Taking this long odyssey with the boys to immerse them in cousin fun gives me opportunity to stand back and watch the miracle of boys doing what they do best: play. There’s hardly a pleasure I can find that I prefer more than to watch this miracle play out. It satisfies something deep in me … Continue reading The boys of Summer

96 years young

Great Grandma has never missed a family reunion in the twenty years I’ve joined the tradition. She wasn’t going to miss it this year even though doing stairs is impossible without a few people assisting her.(Fortunately this three story beach house has an elevator.)  She’s bright, lively and fun as ever. The kids like playing … Continue reading 96 years young

The brotherhood

This evening, a Saturday, Donny offered to take his brothers to see a movie at the theater. They are going to see the Karate Kid, of course, because a couple of them are karate kids and one is a wannabe. We’ll be in trouble with Jack tomorrow, we’ll never hear the end of when we’re going … Continue reading The brotherhood