Car Wash for the Kyengera Orphanage

9 thoughts on “Car Wash for the Kyengera Orphanage”

  1. tonya,

    i start every day reading about your beaitiful family

    this is bigger than you can imagine

    love you


  2. Tonya,
    That is awesome! I have received such a blessing to see how the Lord is touching your heart and the hearts of others to serve Him and be His hands and feet to reach the children of Uganda.
    In His Love,

  3. We hear and read so much about all the problems with young people …. blah, blah, blah Saturday was such an encouragement to me to see these wonderful kids who love God and are allowing Him to make a difference, through them. I am humbled in deed.

  4. i am really humbled by what these teenagers did. may God bless them for going beyond their ability to make other children’s lives better!

  5. Thank you for saying such nice things about us! We all loved playing with Kira, you’re right, she was definately the “main attraction.” Thank you for all you do for the orphans and for giving us the opportunity to help others in such great need.

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