A look inside a primary school in Uganda

11 thoughts on “A look inside a primary school in Uganda”

  1. thanks alot tonya and mostly jack for the investment you a putting into these kids, personally i believe education is the best investment u can give some one because u would have “taught them to fish other than giving them fish”. the only way out of poverty is education, my lecturer who taught me law always said,”the law is not met for the poor/uneducated because they dont participate in making it. this shows that for one to have a fair part in africa education is the best approach to life. like the bible says,”people perish because they lack knowledge”. most of the diseases like cholera that kill people in africa is because they have no basic knowledge.
    thanks alot for the help you a giving our future these kids a the futute of uganda and though education u a giving us preventative methods(reseach shows that education reduces early pregnacy and early marriages)
    i have been over whelmed by your committment to the people of uganda.
    God richly,richly bless you.


  2. Hey Tonya! We have never met, but my good friend shannon mccrory pointed me to your blog at the beginning of your time in Uganda. I have loved every post and loved hearing your adoption story. We are in the process of adopting here in the states, so on a similar but different journey. After talking to my husband, we would love to sponsor a child’s education at the school in Uganda. Please contact me with more information on how to get the money where it needs to go! Thank you for being Jesus in Uganda!

  3. Mama Donny,
    thank you for sharing this. We have been sponsoring an African girl through Hope 4 Kids for a few years now, but I would love to be able to do more. Can you let me know how their sponsorship is set up? I noticed that most of the students seemed to be boys, is that accurate? If so, is there a reason why there are not more girls in the school? This education that you are providing is very eye-opening.
    Wishing you a speedy and safe journey home with your family!
    ~ Karen

  4. Tonya—Don & I would be honored to sponsor a child’s education. Please contact me directly and let me know the details.

    Love to you in Uganda. Can’t wait to meet sweet Kira!


  5. Tonya, this was such an interesting post for me as an educator. The amount of environmental print–all done by hand–was amazing! I may be able to help with some books to get that library started. We are moving this summer and I have been debating about what to do with my extensive children’s literature collection! It would be awesome to have it go to a school like this where they will really appreciate it. When you get Stateside, we’ll chat more! Blessings!

  6. I thank God for you Tonya and your family and friends that support all your efforts to support the people and children of Uganda. I have no doubt that many children will be sent to school now that you have made us so aware of the need to help these children. I will do everything in my power to help you and Jack and everyone. Anxious for you to come home with your beautiful daughter and continue doing God’s work here and there also.
    I will sponsor one of the needy children to attend school, just let me know when and where to send my money. Thank you for the pictures – they mean so much to me.
    love always and forever

  7. Thanks for the blog on HOPE FOR THE FUTURE OF Uganda, send me info on sponsorship. It would be nice to get the kids peering over the wall, get inside the wall.

  8. Oh my friends and family! Thank you so much for stepping out to make all the difference in the lives of these children. I will do my very best to meet each of the children and families you will sponsor so I can photograph them and give you as much personal contact and information that you desire. For them to know someone cares about their future is such an encouragement to them. We are working on the details about sponsoring so we can hopefully arrange it to be a tax credit for you as well.

    If anyone is still thinking about it we welcome four more sponsors!
    I fall to my knees humbly and thank God for the big hearts you have shown and how gracious God is to use me to help the people of Uganda, who I love so much.


  9. I have really enjoyed reading your blog as you are in Uganda. I really admire that you are not only there for an adoption, but also to help in many other ways! Your posts have inspired me and made me more and more “homesick” for that amazing country! I can’t wait to hear more about what God is doing through you and your family for the people of Uganda!

    Please send me the sponsorship information! I really hope I can do it!

    P.S. Kira is simply beautiful! She has grown so much since last June when we were there! I have enjoyed the pictures of her so much! And I am so glad she has a family now!

  10. Tonya — I stumbled upon your blog after reading about it on Omar Garcia’s blog. My husband and I would like to sponsor one of the children. Would you send me the details?

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