A door closes on our ministry in Uganda.

6 thoughts on “A door closes on our ministry in Uganda.”

  1. I am so sorry you and the team had to go through this. I know this was hard for you to do. Sending you and the team a big hug. Praying for all of you.

  2. Tonya, my heart ached for you and for the children after reading this post. My prayers went up to our Heavenly Father who loves you and them so very much. May His peace fill your heart today. Thank you for seeking to be so sensitive to the Lord’s guidance in all that has happened.

    1. hi Gail,
      Thank you for your prayers. It is heart breaking. We all know and believe God’s word when he says he won’t forsake the children. He will protect them and care for them with me or without me. i trust his plan and I will always remember them in my prayers. I am experiencing a peace that passes all understanding. God is so gracious, he has not left me alone. I also believe he has put me here for such a time as this. His word is my courage. thank you!! Tonya

  3. I was reading in Acts this morning…later, as I read your post this verse was brought to my mind: “The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” Acts 23:11
    I think what parallels your post and this story is that Jesus stands by His people when He calls them to action, physically and verbally. Paul was also put in a place where he had to defend himself verbally in front of a crowd. He spoke the words God gave him, he spoke testimony. “The Lord stood near Paul” – How beautiful is it to know the the Lord Jesus stands by you as you work for Him and obey His call? You are courageously following Him. Encouragement and prayers for you and your team, Lalena

    1. thank you so much for that Lalena. It is one of the most difficult decisions I’ve had to do, but I really felt the peace knowing I had made the right decision and Christ was with me. I need encouragement like this from scripture. I am so thankful for your support. I couldn’t do any of the things I am called to do here without the strength of the Lord going before me. Blessings,

  4. Tonya, l

    Your obedience and prayers will not be forsaken. You’ve given of your heart, time and resources and God will use those “seeds” to bring those precious children to Him. We have to have that hope and assurance–many of us have this same situation much closer to home and the only thing we can rely on is the faithfulness of God and His undying for His children.

    I’m so glad you finally have peace and pray that your future efforts to minister in Uganda with be multiplied beyond measure. You are loved!

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