Sweet Dreams and Sweet Smells

10 thoughts on “Sweet Dreams and Sweet Smells”

  1. my goodness… I just realized there are no guard rails three flights up on pink metal. Yikes. Everyone quick pray they don’t fall out of bed.

  2. It looks like there’s a half-length rail on one side! If the beds are against the wall on the other side, it would be fairly safe. Once at family camp in Chile when I was a child, I fell off the bunkbed onto the cement floor and just kept sleeping peacefully … but it wasn’t three stories up. 🙂 Love these pictures.

  3. Love these kinds of updates, and am prayerfully anticipating your next trip and the updates from there! Oh how I wish I was going with you!

  4. Unbelievable how different their lives are now since you first discovered them in January! although they always had smiles before, now their smiles are full of joy and new life. Thank you, Craig and the boys for your love, concern and work for these children. God can do amazing things through open, willing hearts like yours.
    Mom L

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